Tax law
In order to not duplicate information related to the need for professional support during a criminal trial and the circumstances of appointing the defense attorney, I refer the reader to the Criminal Law section.
Tax crimes and offences can be treated with a particular value because they’re related to harm towards the State Treasury understood in a broad sense. In contrast to a traditional example of criminal proceeding, in this case the authority conducting a preparatory proceeding is the Inland Revenue Service, Fiscal Control Inspector or the customs office. The initial information regarding the possibility of committing a tort, may come directly from these authorities. In this circumstance we advise you to be extremely cautious and immediately seek the assistance of a lawyer dealing in fiscal criminal matters (specialist in criminal law) who is experienced in this branch of law (procedural fiscal criminal law). The above also applies to entrepreneurs who should be especially vigilant already at the stage of audit enquiry.
The catalogue of tax crimes and offences (substantive penal fiscal law) is quite broad and it’s not possible to discuss them all in detail in this text, the most common are: tax fraud and trading in unreliable VAT invoices (customary term).
Besides the cases described in the Criminal Law section – if you receive information regarding initiated proceedings based on regulations of penal fiscal code, immediately seek assistance from an attorney. We strongly advise our Clients who run any form of business entity, to contact us already at the stage of implementation of the control procedure of their business.
If you’re looking for legal assistance in a criminal tax case (criminal tax law Wrocław/ criminal fiscal law Środa Śląska), please contact us via the contact form or give us a call at 71 372 38 72 to schedule the most convenient time of an appointment.